# File Hits Size
1 mod_ag_cobalt_records.V7.1.zip 1012 7 Kb
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This module is an evolution of the Mint Cobalt Records module (V7.9).

This module allow you to select the specific category for the records selection, but will need the Ccategories Form Field declaration (see JFormField for Cobalt Categories topic).

This field declaration file is added to the zip archive, and must be put in your '/libraries/mint/forms/fields/' folder if necessary.

    Module settings :
  • module class sufix: standard Joomla parameter for module chrome
  • section_id: Same as Cobalt records
  • types: Same as Cobalt records
  • category id: Possible category ID (not depending on section ID!)
  • records order: Same as Cobalt records
  • only featured: Same as Cobalt records
  • Template overwrite: Same as Cobalt records
  • Limit: Same as Cobalt records
  • Load moodrop: Allow to load the necessaries elements for record menu (css+js)
  • Pre-text: A text to show before the records template
  • Post-text: A text to show after the records template
  • Layout: standard Joomla parameter for module layout selector
  • Menu itemid: Add an item ID to your link, in case you do not have selected one for the content type or section.

The category ID must be selected depending on the selected section... Else no records will be found. We are still working on this module, but normally it's work nice. The menu item ID selector is really necessary when you do not have selected one for your cobalt type or section.

This module is proposed with english and french languages by default, feel free to made you own ;)

This extension is free and proposed by Abstrakt Graphics

11 Feb 2013
Extension Type
Abstrakt Graphics - Christophe CROSAZ
Paris, 75010, France

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