Update - Cobalt v.7.8459 RC
Cobalt extension
- improved - filter search SQL queries
- added - cron-function for deleting unsaved files
- fixed - ItemId is taken from the category`s params but not from the section
- fixed - markup of the uploader with turned off editing of the title
- fixed - link to the pop-up method
- fixed - for Datetime field displaying saved data in the picker
- fixed - records mode.
- improved - speed of selecting records with many categories.
- fixed - DB tool
- fixed - reindexing fields in the record_values too
Selectable fields
- added - new filter type Toggle links. Fields select, multipleselect, radio, checkbox,listautocomplete
- added - values constructor
- fixed - ordering in different section
Fields with uploads
- fixed - displaying real names if editing of the titles is permitted.
- added - using of natcasesor
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